About Bilateral

This is the home of Lucas Ihlein’s Bilateral Blog. Documentation of some art works from my back catalogue, and links to my current projects are also collected here.

I live in Austinmer, Australia.
You can contact me on:
lucas [at] lucazoid [dot] com

I use communicative exchange as a key component in my practice. In recent years this interest has manifest itself in “blogging-as-art” projects – but since 1993 I have also produced zines, artist books, conversational situations, performance art, video and film works, re-enactments, essays, radio broadcasts and podcasts, lectures, children’s workshops, sculptures made of wood, drawings, SMS poetry, gallery installations, silkscreen & lithographic prints, and postal art…

I also work collaboratively, with groups like NUCA, SquatSpace, Teaching and Learning Cinema, and Big Fag Press.

Links to these collaborations are scattered throughout the Bilateral Blog.

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About the Bilateral Blog:

The first post on this blog was in June 2003, and it was originally published at http://bilateral.blog-city.com

[If you have a link on your site to http://bilateral.blog-city.com, please change it ASAP to https://lucazoid.com/bilateral – the blog-city site is now defunct. Those who are interested in the archaeology of websites can see it archived on the wayback machine.]

I set up the Bilateral Blog back in 2003 as a space to dump my musings on “exchange/residency/events/art/writing”. The early entries are very note-y, maybe indecipherable to anyone but me. My original “about me” read:

…notations on art projects involving exchange and communication are collected here.
I am interested in…
…”D-I-Y” artists and groups, politically active interventions, artworks which involve themselves in public spaces (and beyond museums).
…artists who form autonomous organisations to produce, distribute, and discuss their work.
…artists who find direct ways to access their histories (rather than relying on official accounts) – and who try and understand those histories through processes of re-enactment.
This blog also houses thoughts in process on my current projects, including expanded cinema and un-collectable artists.
In addition, occasional reviews of events and performances will appear, as well as links to writing I may have had published elsewhere.
Feedback and dialogue are warmly invited.

There are entries on the artist-in-residence model, art as communicative and social exchange, reflections on “relational aesthetics”, expanded cinema, artist run galleries, and spatial politics.

Looking back, I see lots of references to Allan Kaprow (RIP), and an increasing interest in re-enactment as an embodied form of historical experience.

I’m always keen to hear from anyone who finds something of interest, or who can bring insight to my rambling. Just leave a comment or email lucas[at]lucazoid.com

1 thought on “About Bilateral

  1. Pingback: Memory, nostalgia, visual art and the 75th US Masters « el artista mierda

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