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early unCollectable notes…

My friend Sussi recommended the dutch artist group “de greuzen”… they look great, check out their website.

people might wish to get involved with a fictional project i have thrown out into the ether. its a response to that ghastly magazine called the “australian art collector” and their “50 most collectable artists”…
here is the press release:

A dynamic network of artists from around the country will soon be launching their new DIY magazine The Australian Art Eclector. Each issue of The Eclector will incorporate an exciting feature on “Australia’s 50 Most Un-Collectable Artists”.

Phil T. Luca, magazine editor and spokesperson for the Network of Un-Collectable Artists (or N.U.C.A.) explains:

“The compendium of “Australia’s 50 Most Un-Collectable Artists” will be an important resource, especially for those wishing to look beyond the pseudo-official canon of Australian artists who have been vetted and rubberstamped by our short-sighted and commodity-oriented art institutions.”

The group obsessively documents the occurrance of ephemeral artworks, such as Weed-Killer/Pest Controller by Diego Bonetto and Emma Jay, where the artists created an informative audio tour of the various weeds on a run-down Drive-In Theatre site in western Sydney. Another project to make it into the top 50 was SquatSpace’s SquatFest, an anti-TropFest screening of film and video by independent artists and activists. The screenings were held in an abandoned brickworks in inner Sydney. Similarly, the artists of Hotel 6151 in Perth occupied a condemned 1970s hotel, with temporary installations and performances on every floor. The hotel was demolished shortly after.

Other works to make the cut were unwieldy installations, more subtle projects based around exchange and communication, and illegal activities such as billboard alterations.

For more information contact N.U.C.A. at info@uncollectables.net

at the moment it exists as an idea. but i envisage that the NUCA will emerge as a network as an end in itself. i would be happy with that…