Tag Archives: Juliana Yasin

what am I doing in Darwin?

the following spiel is lifted from the artists' village website: http://www.tav.org.sg/

Fusion Strength '05 = 24hr Art, Darwin

Fusion Strength is, as the title suggests, a fusion of strengths for the participating artists as well as the audiences. Based on the three notions of collaboration, intervention and performance, FS (Fusion Strength) is a heady mix. Started by Juliana Yasin, its initiator and artist, it has proved remarkably successful in Singapore and Indonesia. FS'05 now hits Darwin, Australia.

Structured around the idea that an art practise is organic and rhizoid, FS is about collaborating through intervention and performance. At the heart of it being the artist’s own interests and practises. Execution of the project begins by a Singaporean artist selecting an Australian counterpart to form a single cell. Each cell will then be given the opportunity to work together but nothing is made nor prepared before arrival at Darwin. It is at 24Hr Art where it really starts. Tapping into the local community there, the first cell will work towards a piece that will take form in any medium the cell decides, which could then be altered in any way by another cell based on a planned schedule. Three cycles of actions then form for FS in Darwin with three outcomes, all potentially beguiling.

What and where else could be more explosive than six artists given the creative freedom, the space and time to collaborate?

FS' 05 = 24hr Art, Darwin will be showing from 16th to 30th September 2005.

Participating artists
Elka Kerkhofs
Hayley West
Lucas Ihlein
Jason Lim
Juliana Yasin
Lina Adam

more info about the project at juliana's site…http://jy1970.tripod.com/id17.html

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ps: there was a Fusion Strength Blog during the project.