Tag Archives: Volksboutique

christine hill

"Like many social artists, Hill sees most of her work as both introverted and extroverted. It is in fact a skillful updating of what used to be called 'Life Art'. In an aesthetic echo of the American dream, Hill's work has gone from downscale (street vending, rummage sales) to the pseudo-corporate (board meetings, TV shows, fashion show). Yet it still offers an endearing mixture of Dada, pop, performance, process art, and conceptual art, recycled for the 21st century with a certain fin de siecle élan. Her trajectory provokes insights about the relationship between lifestyle and 'baggage', mobility and status quo, packing and unpacking (postmodern intellectual processes in themselves), the familiar and the foreign, cultural memory and amnesia, as well as the dangers of uncritical service. There's no telling how far she will go in this direction, but as she pushes the envelope, Hill is also pushing the letter. And that can only be good for art. Is Volksboutique a bargain? A gift? A joke on art? In its ambiguity lies its success. I know I'm right because, after all, the customer is always right…"