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strange strolls in fremantle

this email came through from Perdy Phillips, in Perth. She recently organised a sound project called "strange strolls":

Hi There

Today [17 Dec 2005] is the last day of the strange strolls sound and walking art
project at the Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery, Henry Street
Fremantle, Western Australia.

This project saw 16 Australian and international artists create sound
walking tours of Fremantle.  The viewer/listener hired a standard CD
Walkman from the Gallery and headed out into the streets of the West End. 
Audiences were taken away from the everyday by the sound experience
created.  The 14 different sound walks were extremely varied.  Some
artists lived locally and their works reflected personal connections to
place. Others had never been south of the Equator.  Central to the project
was the differences created between what you hear and what you see:  the
imaginative journeys undertaken extended the experience of the body and
made the streets living, luminous and imbricated.

For more details see http://www.perditaphillips.com/

For those of you who could not make it you can purchase a catalogue at

Also, a big thank you to everyone who assisted with the project during
the last three years.


strange strolls
Curator: Perdita Phillips. Catalogue writer:  Nyands Smith.
Participating artists: Begum Basdas (Turkey/USA) Viv Corringham (England/USA)
Robert Curgenven (NT) Lawrence English (QLD) Aaron Coates Hull (NSW) Maria
Manuela Lopes and Paulo Bernardino (Portugal) Minaxi May (WA) Roxane
Permar (Shetland) Perdita Phillips (WA) Ric Spencer (WA) Kieran Stewart
(WA) Aili Vahtrapuu and Virve Pulver (Estonia) Walter van Rijn
(England/The Netherlands) Dorothee von Rechenberg (Switzerland).